Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

  • The Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Committee will advise the Executive Management Team on the organisation and implementation of the actions gathered from patient public involvement and engagement events.

    Prof Mhairi Copland (Committee Chair)

    University of Glasgow

    Mhairi Copland is Professor of Translational Haematology and Honorary Consultant in Haematology at the University of Glasgow. She currently splits her time between the Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre, where she is Director, and the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow. She has clinical and research interests in chronic myeloid leukaemia and acute leukaemias. She is deputy chair for the NCRI Haemato-oncology Clinical Studies Group.

    Dr Felix Chan

    Aston University

    Dr Felix Chan is a Lecturer in Neuroscience at Aston University. He established the Chan Lab, which studies metabolism and mitochondrial biology in rare epilepsy. As a strong advocate for rare disease research, Dr Chan closely involves and works with epilepsy patient charities and advocacy groups; both in the UK and internationally.

    Michelle Carmichael

    University of Glasgow

    Mrs Michelle Carmichael is the Deputy Doctoral Training Hub Manager for the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Glasgow. Part of Michelle's role is to manage the lifETIME CDT.

    Claire Carberry

    University of Glasgow

    Claire is the Project Manager within the Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment.

    Prof Matthew Dalby

    University of Glasgow

    Prof Matt Dalby FRSE (University of Glasgow) is the director of the CDT. His research focusses on using materials to understand mesenchymal stem cell function in relation to bone, cartilage and the bone marrow niche.

    Dr Patricia Esteban

    University of Birmingham

    Dr Patricia Esteban is an Assistant Professor in the Healthcare Technologies Institute at the University of Birmingham. Her research focus combines material science and bioprocessing to establish biologically relevant platforms where tailored cell-to-matrix interactions in vitro mimic physiological mechanisms or lead to the manipulation of cell fate on a dish.

    Dr Sarah Gundy


    Dr Sarah Gundy was a secondary science teacher in America before moving to Ireland. She took a break from teaching to complete her PhD in Medical Physics. Afterwards, Sarah was a lecturer and researcher in cardiovascular tissue engineering. Sarah is now part of CÚRAM’s Education and Public Engagement team and works mainly with primary and secondary educators and their students.

    Mohamed Patel

    University of Birmingham (CDT Student Representative)

    Mohamed Patel is the 2023 CDT student representative from the University of Birmingham . His research is focused on novel portable technology for early-stage dermatological cancer diagnostics (DERMATech).

    Emily Maxwell

    University of Glasgow (CDT Student Representative)

    Emily Maxwell is the 2023 CDT student representative from the University of Glasgow. Her research is focused on advanced 3D bioprinted scaffolds for stem cell engineering.

    Julia Isakova

    University of Glasgow (CDT Student Representative)

    Julia Isakova is the 2023 CDT student representative from the University of Glasgow. Her research is focused on developing RAMAN-based methodology to investigate cell glycosylation signatures.